Worthy or Not Here I come!
Worthy or not here I come is my battle cry. I am fighting back against feelings of not being worthy. I am righteous through the finished work at the cross, and in Christ Jesus.
What I Do
I am the leader of the Men’s Ministry at my church and I love the Lord with all my heart.
I Coach.
Proverbs 27:17 Iron Sharpens Iron so one man sharpens another
I Speak.
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore. and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
I Write.
I believe God has put with in me the desire to write down some things that I have experienced and maybe it will help someone.
My Story
I was born In the small town called Turlock, California, although it’s not so small now. I never ventured very far away, I have always lived in the Central Valley. I grew up in Delhi, an even smaller town, you know in the Bible it talks about the Israelites, the Ishmaelites, the Canaanites, the Corinthians, the Thessalonians? Well, if you’re from Delhi, you’re known as a “Delhinian”. From there I have lived in Livingston, Escalon and settled back in Turlock, I’ve Always lived within a 50-mile radius.
The reason I am writing this book is because I wanted to leave behind something for my children and generations to come.
I wrote worthy or not here I come from a position of having taken enough. Worthy or not here I come is my battle cry. I will not take it anymore. I am fighting back against the feelings of not being worthy. I believe what the Bible says about me and not what the enemy says. I have made a choice to come into an agreement with who God says I am and not the adversary. God says I am perfectly and wonderfully made. God says, I am chosen, adopted, heir to the throne. We can stand holy and righteous because of the finished work at the cross in Christ.